Friday, July 6, 2012

Death to the Sky Pirates #1 cover

Here's the cover for issue one coming shortly... I had a previous version similar to this. I prefer this one, but I'll post the other some other time.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to the Mass Transit Comics blog. I hope to meet readers of my comics here. So far Immense Robot is available on Graphicly via their website and on iTunes. Check it out. Issue two is free. I'm setting up this blog because I am about to release my second comic Death to the Sky Pirates... also free on Graphicly and iTunes. Because I am so busy working on the comic, I won't be posting daily; but I'll try to post as often as I can. I will probably post pictures and unfinished pages as I work on them. Pictures are usually more interesting anyway. Thanks for checking out the blog!

-Dave Smith